Wednesday, November 27, 2019

League of Legends - Zyra Highlight #1

Zyra can 1v1 any champion in the game, all she must do is hit all skillshots, sit back and let the plants do the work. If you are feeling extra fancy, then you can spice it up with juking skillshots around your plants!

Here is a 1v1 against camille. This was diamond 3.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Counter Strike Global Offensive - Awp ace on mirage Clip

This is a great awp ace I did the other day. What makes this Ace so great is the movement im doing. Doing the unexpected and also making the duels 1v1 instead of 1v2 or 3.

It was also helpful that the enemy had no synergi what so ever :)



This is where I upload high skill E-sport gameplay, including: 

-Diamond/Master/Challenger League of legends matches 
-The global elite and above Csgo gameplay
-High ranked 2v2 World of warcraft arena games.

I also upload highskilled playthroughs of regular games.

On this Blog you will find all these types of posts, also including guides and other helpful stuff!

Please Enjoy!
